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Blue Viagra Pill

small pill image (linked to larger image)

Click to view larger image

     This light blue pill has been shown in a staggering amount of TV footage (usually showing blue diamond-shaped pills being fed through a pill-counting machine).  I will not discuss the product here, but this diamond-shaped blue pill is probably familiar to most TV viewers in the U.S.  This pill image was created in about 10 minutes (allow 20 for first time through steps) using Painter version 5 for the Mac.  Describing the steps required a fair amount of text, however, so be ready to scroll down a lot.

  1. Create a new blank white image with a 4:3 aspect ratio (360x270 pixels).

  2. Building a rounded diamond is the toughest part of making this image.

  3. In the Effects menu, under Surface Control, choose Apply Surface Texture.  Set the Using option to Image Luminance using the drop-down list.  Set Softness, Amount, and Picture sliders to maximum values, set shine and reflection sliders to 0, and keep other settings at defaults.  Click OK to give your pill depth.

  4. Select the text tool, then go into the Controls palette to set the text to a 72 point Times New Roman Italic.  In the Art Materials palette, check that the current color is still set to 50% gray.  Click anywhere in the left of the image area and type "Pfizer" into the image.  In the Objects palette, click the button under the Floater menu to show the floater list.  All of the floaters on the list (one for each letter) should be highlighted.  Click the Group button and then the Collapse button (if a dialog appears, confirm that you want to do this).  Now cut and paste the floater to place it in the center of the image (in Painter, Paste places the contents of the clipboard in the center of your image).

  5. Check to make sure the text object (floater) is still selected.  In the Effects menu, under Surface Control, choose Apply Surface Texture.  Set Softness value to 4 or 5, leave other settings as they were in the previous step, and then click OK.

  6. In the Objects palette, choose Drop All from the Floater menu to combine the text with the rest of the image.  The text will no longer be a separate object.  You should now have a grayscale version of the completed pill.

  7. Tint the pill blue by choosing a sky blue color with hue (H) at 85%, saturation (S) at 100%, and value (V, equivalent to brightness) at 50% (this is at the right corner of the triangular color selection area) in the Art Materials palette.  Make sure the pill shape is still selected (if necessary, choose Reselect from the Select menu to reselect the pill shape).  Then choose Fill from the Effects menu.  After setting the Opacity to about 50% or slightly less, select fill with Current Color and click OK.  That's it.

     You could also add a drop shadow if desired.  Just expand the white space around the pill first by choosing Canvas Size under the Canvas menu, then copy (with pill still selected) and paste to create a selected object, which the Drop Shadow effect requires in order to work.  With object selected, choose Create Drop Shadow under Objects in the Effects menu.  Then go to the Objects palette, and choose Drop All from the Floater menu to merge all objects (the pill and the shadow) into the image.

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