Click on the "?" icon to open help (this page) in a separate window.
To choose or change the color of pegs to use, click on a peg from the top left-hand area of the screen. Then click in the grid to place a peg of that color. Notice that the cursor color tells you what peg color you have selected. To delete a peg, click on the "X" icon, located next to the color selection pegs. You can then click on a peg in the grid to remove it, as if you were replacing the peg with a black peg. At any time, you may change the active peg color by clicking on another color selection peg (or the "X") at the top-left of the screen. Note that you can change a peg simply by clicking on it, which replaces that peg with a peg of the curently selected color (you do not need to "remove" a peg before doing this).
Icons located between the color selector pegs and the help icon indicate the currently selected color, for both the cursor and its matching color peg.
The two horizontal white bars above and below the grid indicate the width and boundaries of the Lite-Brite grid.
To save your picture as an image, scroll to show the complete image (if necessary), then press:
to save an image of your screen to the Clipboard. Then Paste contents of the Clipboard into an image editing program, crop it, and save to file in desired format.
To save your picture as an image, scroll to show the complete image, then press:
to save an image of the browser window to the Clipboard. Then Paste contents of the Clipboard into an image editing program, crop it, and save to file in desired format.
To show the whole grid at once, it is recommended that you either use greater than 1024x768 resolution, or use 1024x768 with browser window maximized and toolbars hidden. This keeps you from having to scroll, and prevents browsers from messing up the grid spacing if the grid is wider than your browser window. Many browsers will alter the grid arrangement in odd ways if the window is not wide enough to fit the whole grid.
If your setup can only show part of the grid at a time, you can still save your picture by scrolling, copying, pasting, and saving overlapping sections of the picture grid, then reassembling them into a single image. This is very inconvenient, but will at least allow you to save a picture as an image if you do not want to lose it.
JavaScript is needed to run Lite-Brite, so if scripting is enabled in your browser settings, all should be well. However, different browsers execute JavaScript differently. Several Netscape browser versions lose the grid (and pegs placed in it) upon resizing of the window (because the grid is written into the browser window using JavaScript). If your grid disappears, you can press Reload (or Refresh) to regenerate an empty grid and start over (I know of no way around this browser glitch except to hard-code the entire 1735-hole grid in HTMLinstead of looping "write" statements in JavaScriptwhich would result in an HTML file larger than 1 MB, instead of just 15 KB!). Internet Explorer takes twice as long to render the grid as Netscape does, and is sluggish in following the mouse. In slower systems, Internet Explorer may also take several seconds to open or close browser windows, (including this one), or to quit your browser program.